Rabu, 16 April 2014

If I Were Aburizal Bakrie, I Would ...

Being a wealthy and popular person is such the common wish of the most people in the world, including me. Having unlimited money and wealth, being literate and able to study up high, and being respected by the people around are those manifestations and proofs of being wealthy and popular. In our beloved country, Indonesia, there have been many conglomerates appeared and exposed by the mass media since few years ago. Even some of them have been placed in the list of the World’s Richest People among the other well-known conglomerates. It must be the great pride and achievement of our country.

Even though I'm not as cool as Tom Cruise, I have been Indonesia's Richest Person B)
Aburizal Bakrie is the one of Indonesia’s richest and most popular conglomerates who has an omnipotent status, as he has reached the status of being Indonesia's richest person in 2010 with total property reached US$ 2,1 billion. As written and published by Tribunnews,  his total property reaches US$ 890 million in 2013 and nowadays he owns 9 big companies. Recently, Aburizal Bakrie also put his shares in the upcoming social media named Path. Applauses and appreciation should be given for his success in earning and maintaining those awards and wealth. In the beginning of his career, he was known as an entrepreneur who possesses many companies. Yet recently, he jumps into political aspect by joining a certain party and taking part as the main-board-member, specifically as the General Chairman of Golongan Karya. Even he is suggested and promoted to be the next candidate of Indonesia's president in this following period. He was also the ex-minister of several ministry, such as Minister of Defense, Minister of Social Welfare, and Minister of Economics.

However, Aburizal Bakrie who is shortly called as Ical, is not only well-known in a positive side as a successful entrepreneur and politician. Since May 29th 2006, Ical has had great problem to be fixed which is dealing with the tragedy of Lumpur Lapindo in numerous villages in Porong, Sidoarjo. Lumpur Lapindo was caused by the petroleum mining held by Minarak Lapindo Jaya (one of his companies) which was not organized and planned well. Then, it caused the unexpected torrent of hot mud. Moreover, the location of mining is too close with the housings of the residents. Thus, Lumpur Lapindo has sunk innumerable houses, schools, factories, and many other buildings in totally 16 villages. This unexpected disaster finally causes both indignation and disappointment of the residents who look for the responsibility and the cash back of their loss. However, Ical doesn’t respond and give that assertion immediately which then causes greater anger of the residents. Even now he is confidently nominating himself as the next president of Indonesia.

Thus, what should Aburizal do?
I don’t know what he really should do, but here are several things that I would do, if I were Aburizal Bakrie.
  • If I were Aburizal Bakrie, I would pay for the sunken buildings owned by the residents immediately before my plan to be the next president of Indonesia is exposed by the mass media. Moreover, I would not only pay the cash back of their loss but I would help them in finding the right new place of housings.
By doing this, I do believe that the citizens would be so much more attracted in choosing me as I have proven my responsibility and liability.
  • If I were Aburizal Bakrie, I would not come and take a part in political party as I would prefer in entrepreneurship rather than politic.
We all know that politic could bring us into worst moral and economic condition, it might make you poorer by the cost of campaign or it might drive you richer by the tendency of corruption and collusion.
  • If I were Aburizal Bakrie, I would hold the competition in treating Lumpur Lapindo into valuable material to find and hire some professional petroleum engineers who would be able to overcome the problem of mud abundance.
That unexpected material could turn into very valuable and precious thing if we knew how to treat it.
  • If I were Aburizal Bakrie, I would put my shares in Instagram instead of Path.
Well, it is my very own opinion. I just think that Path still needs to take time to greatly known and used by many users rather than Instagram.

 Those deeds would be done, if I were Aburizal Bakrie :)

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Our Nation's Newest Restlessness Makers: Violent Motorcycle Gangs and The Phenomenon of 'Cabe-Cabean'

Since a long time ago, our nation has been attacked by numerous cases and crimes which are caused by teenagers or youths, such as rampant kidnapping, raping, consumption of alcohol and drugs, free-sex, and many more. However, the existence of violent motorcycle gangs and the phenomenon of 'Cabe-Cabean' have recently attacked our nation and increased the rate of public restlessness, as they appear and cause many damages for both mentally and physically to their victims and our society itself.

One of violent motorcycle gangs in Indonesia

Violent motorcycle gangs are groups of people, mostly consists of young males or high school students and are led by one leader, which use to conduct a motor racing on public streets in the middle of nights.Yet, it is not the only thing that they are used to do. They also tend to disturb public comfort and convenience by stealing properties of innocent riders who are not the members of their gangs, hurting anyone who passed their territory, kidnapping and raping young girls,damaging public places and facilities, and even killing their victims of property-stealing. Indonesia's polices have tried to reduce the number of motorcycle gangs which tend to do violent deeds by arresting and imprisoning several big bosses of them and also the members of the gangs. However, these ways have not succeeded yet in tackling down and preventing the occurrence of the next same cases in the future.

Bad deeds that are usually done by the member of violent motorcycle gangs

Besides violent motorcycle gangs, our nation has been enlivened by the phenomenon of 'Cabe-Cabean' as well. 'Cabe-cabean' is the term that is used to name and call young females or girls who tend to wear nasty, tight, and full-pressed-body clothes, such as tank top and hot-pants in public areas. On its first appearance and usage, this term is used to name the girls who are taking a role as a queen bee or the material of bet in a motorcycle racing which is held by motorcycle gangs. Thus, there is a big relation between this phenomenon and our first issue about violent motorcycle gangs.

Cabe-cabean girls on the streets

In my previous statement, I state that those cases cause damages for both mentally and physically to their victims and our society itself because they break general and social norms especially the norms of decency and divinity by betting somebody's self-esteem and harming innocent people. They also cause morals depravity of Indonesian, traumatic attacks to their victims,and higher restlessness of the society and other road users.

To reduce and prevent the occurrence of the next same cases in the future, Indonesian polices should have a deeper research to know the root or main causes, beyond the conventional research of just arresting and imprisoning the members of motorcycle gangs. Moreover, the society should be much more aware and cautious of violent motorcycle gangs by not going outside in the midnight. Then, every parents in Indonesia should be very careful on guiding their children who are reaching the teenager-age and having unstable principle of mind. So, they would not be affected or influenced to be a part of motorcycle gangs and also 'Cabe-Cabean' girls.

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Flood, the Annual Disaster in Jakarta

Recently, many disasters have attacked our nation, Indonesia. Started from the western part of Indonesia, North Sumatera, in which the volcanic activity of Sinabung Mountain was just started to be more active. Then, in the outskirt of Kediri, East Java; Kelud Mountain erupted its magma on the late night of February 13, 2014. However, there is still one big disaster that always attacks one district of our nation for the each year, that is flooding disaster which annually occurred in Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta. The first and second mentioned disasters may be likely caused by natural symptoms and matters which could not be eschewed by anyone. However, the floods in Jakarta might more feasibly because of humans' bad deeds.

Embarrassing and pathetic view of our capital city, Jakarta
As we have known, there is innumerable quantity of people and urbanists who decide to live in Jakarta even though there is not much space to be built as the housings. Thus, they decide to build so many huge and enormous buildings on water absorption area and also on the shore of the rivers, such as Ciliwung and Angke River. Moreover, the society of Jakarta like and tend to throw the trashes directly to the rivers which then causes the water to be unable to flow as the trashes cover the surface of the rivers. Automatically, when wet season comes, water debits would increase and then permeate into everywhere and eventually caused the floods in many sectors of Jakarta.

Total weight of trashes on Jakarta's river reached the number of 38 tons

Latest statistic and updateof Jakarta's population density

Thus, to diminish the frequency of flood and to overcome this annual disaster, the government should adjudicate the limitation of urbanists and also make a strict regulation and prohibition to the society to not to build any building on water absorption area and to throw trashes everywhere. So, there would not be annual disaster which is formed as flood in every wet season in Jakarta. Furthermore, if the government do this, it will also benefit to the society itself and also to our nation, Indonesia; as it will no more again embarrass our capital city that should be so much better than the other districts of Indonesia.

Both funny and pathetic illustration of flood disaster in Jakarta

Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Track of Life

Born in the world is a precious and irreplaceable gift. Eyes which were unable to open utterly and look perfectly, pair of legs which were unable to trample the steps, and a rudimentary mouth which could not reveal any words; are all what i had and got on the first year of my nativity.

I grew up in a lovely and compassionate embrace of my parents' love. Everything seemed so bright and exhilarating when I was child. Unfortunately, life is never far from the word 'hard'. Bitter-sweet of life has been felt by me since i was child. Economic issue, a monetary crisis that happened in Indonesia a few years ago, might have become a general tragedy for every family. I have been accustomed to live in simplicity which always succeed to teach me many things about life. However, I never considered those problems as impediments for me to feel the joy of life and laugh happily. Since I was a little girl, I have always liked to interact with many people around me. In fact, I can be called and classified as a child who's very cheerful and always curious about everything new.

when I was about three years old

my happy family

When I was in Elementary School, bunch of incidents and major events happened to me. In my first year, I was able to show my academical potential which was proven by my record as the first rank's achiever in my class. Gratefully, i continued to achieve what i had achieved in the subsequent years. Unfortunately, at the moment when my family's circumstances began to improve, there was an incidence of my parents' business failures. Everything began to fade away and deteriorate again. I still remember when my parents became so hectic on tackling and taking care of it. I, who was never dared to stay alone at home, chose to follow wherever they went. In fact, almost every night I had to learn in my parents' car and do all the tasks outside the home. Fortunately, I remained as the first rank's achiever in my class. Then, 2009 was a very, very special year to me in which I got a lot of triumphs in the competitions I attended at that time. Getting a predicate as an Exemplary Student of Malang resident is the one thing that really influential in my life .

Next, I continued my education in Junior High School 5 Malang which is located in Malang city . There were only several students of my Elementary School who decided to attend school in the Malang city. With a huge commitment and willpower, I could always maintain my record and achievement even in accelerated class in school. Within those two years of education, I never wanted to lose and waste every second of my life.

self-portrait, outfits: beloved uniforms

And now, I manage to continue my education with a full scholarship that I get in Malang Leadership Academy. Racing against the time is the common and ordinary thing that up to now stimulate me to do my best and create achievements here. And the busynesses, that always chase me, are my triggers to continue to study maximally and learn about the importance of a time and life.

Proudly admit that I am the student of Malang Leadership Academy
A selfie with my mum after the inauguration party
In 2013, a lot of the things have taught me about the meaning of a 'chance'. IGCSE exams, AFS selection, the election of the chairman of MPK of SHS 10 Malang, and other opportunities to participate in biological competitions have i got in this year. Unfortunately, I have not been able to maximize and achieve the achievement of all these opportunities.

Thus, I want to change and fix all the bad things that exist in me. Discipline, endurance, maturity, self -reliance, and independence are the major aspects that I need to improve in 2014. What i need is to be a better person in all aspects. Hopefully, i can reach my resolution of my life in 2014.

"There should not be another wasted opportunity.
There should not be anymore reports of indiscipline or late arrival to school.
There should be no more complaint on facing life's obstacles.
And there should be achievements and improvement of my grades and marks."

Here you comes, 2014.
Be a sweet year and mine.